Sarbjeet Kaur, M.Sc., M.S.

Sarbjeet Kaur
Practitioner in Residence
Doctoral student, Criminal Justice
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences

Ph.D., Criminal Justice (in process), University of New Haven

M.S., Forensic Technology, 2018, University of New Haven

M.Sc., Anthropology, 2015, Panjab University

B.A., Social Sciences, 2011, Panjab University

Courses Taught

CJST-4448, 4445, & FORS-4454-01: Introduction to Human Trafficking
UNIV-1125: The UnCommon Course (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
CJST 4446-01: Introduction to Human Trafficking (Asynchronous format)
CJST 2250: Scientific Methods in Criminal Justice
CJST 3311: Criminology

About Sarbjeet

Sarbjeet Kaur is an 5th-year doctoral candidate in the Criminal Justice Department at the University of New Haven.

Her doctoral research investigates human trafficking issues, prosecutorial challenges in human trafficking cases, and connections between human trafficking and terrorism. She takes a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses criminological theories and certain philosophical concepts in terms of gender-power dynamics, criminal justice policy and response to human trafficking, and forensic investigations of human trafficking cases. She is a member of the American Society of Criminology and Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

Sarbjeet has worked on multiple research projects/grants including the United Nations and the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI). She also conducted a qualitative study on prosecutorial challenges in human trafficking cases in the United States using multiple stakeholders’ perspectives including law enforcement, victim advocates and services, and prosecutors.

Sarbjeet is currently working on her doctoral dissertation. Her dissertation chair is Dr. Paul Bleakley, and her research focuses on disparities towards violence against women and children in anti-terrorism global legislative framework.