Ways to Give

There are limitless opportunities to support students at the University of New Haven. Opportunity most often begins for students through scholarships, which makes the dream of attending college attainable. Beyond scholarships, our goal is to provide access for students to participate in amazing experiences that bring greater understanding and perspective to their overall college experience. From study abroad opportunities at our Prato campus to study away in Blackbird Studios in Nashville, to participation in regional and global competitions and conferences across all disciplines, to the opportunity to participate in an unpaid internship through an internship stipend, our students benefit from the generous support of our alumni and friends who believe that experience is everything.

Make a Gift Online
Fall Crowdfunding 2023
Make a Gift by Mail or Telephone
Make a Wire Transfer
Make a Gift of Stocks, Securities, or Mutual Funds
Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA
Make A Gift through your Donor Advised Fund
Make a Gift Through Your Estate
Arrange a Matching Gift
Honor Someone Through a Memorial Gift
Faculty & Staff Annual Campaign