Baker, A.N., King, D., Nalick, M., Tempios, M., K. Gupta, V. and Pierce, C.A. (2021), "Managers' sexually-oriented behavior and firm performance: linking media reports to stock market reaction s and legal risk", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Carr W.A., Baker A.N., Cassidy J.J. (2020). Diagnostic Moderators of the Risk-Recidivism Relationship for Offenders with Mental Illness. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. doi:10.1177/03066 24X20969944
Tamborra T.L., Baker A.N., Jeffries S.s, Tempio M.s, Campbell Es. Criminal Victimization Experienced While Studying Abroad: An Examination of Rates and Other Relevant Factors. (2020). Journal of Studies in International Education. 2020;24(5):573-588. doi:10.1177/1028315319861354
Baker, A.N. (2016). Antecedents and consequences of observing workplace sexual behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(1), 265-279. doi:10.1108/JMP -05 – 2014-0167.
Carr, A. W., Baker, A. N., & Cassidy, J. (2016). Reducing criminal recidivism with an enhanced day reporting center for probationers with mental illness. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 55(2), 95-112.doi: 10.1080/10509674.2015.1124958.
As Amy Nicole Salvaggio:
Bozack, A. R., & Salvaggio, A. N. (2015). Impactful mentoring within a statewide, comprehensive induction program. In S. Brondyk & L. Searby (Eds.), Best practices in mentoring for teacher and leader development. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Bozack, A. R., & Salvaggio, A. N. (2013). Relational effects of reading motivation and academic achievement among adolescent boys. Reading Psychology, 34, 507-522.
Salvaggio, A. N., Hopper, J. E., & Packell, K. M. (2011). Coworker reactions to observing sexual behavior at work. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26, 604-622. doi: 10.1108/ 02683941111164508
Salvaggio, A.N., Streich, M. L., Hopper, J. E. & Pierce, C. (2011). Why do fools fall in love (at work). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 906-937.
Robertson, L. N., Brummel, B. J., & Salvaggio, A. N. (2011). Gender perceptions of managerial positions: Implications for work-related outcomes. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 4, 1-28. doi: 10.1080/10887156.2011.546171
Salvaggio, A. N., Streich, M., & Hopper, J. E. (2009). Ambivalent sexism and applicant evaluations: Effects on ambiguous applicants. Sex Roles, 61, 621-633.
Streich, M. L., Casper, W. J., & Salvaggio, A. N. (2008). Can we agree and still conflict? An examination of couples’ agreement of work-family conflict. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23, 252-272.
Salvaggio, A. N., Schneider, B., Nishii, L. H., Mayer, D. M., Ramesh, A., & Lyon, J. S. (2007). What type of manager best serves customers? The effects of manager personality on service behavior and service climate. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1741 – 1750.
Courses Taught
- PSYC 1111 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 3301 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
- PSYC 3321/SOCI 3320 Social Psychology
- PSYC 6608 Psychometrics and Statistics
- PSYC 6609 Research Methods
- PSYC 6640 Industrial Motivation and Morale
- PSYC 6635 Psychological Testing in Industry