Sumith Yesudasan, Ph.D.

Sumith Yesudasan Image
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) Program Coordinator

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Tagliatela College of Engineering

Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University
M.Tech. in Manufacturing Technology, National Institute of Technology
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kerala

About Sumith

Sumith Yesudasan joined the faculty of the University of New Haven in August 2023. His research interest is focused on developing new coarse grained molecular models for water using machine learning techniques to study energy transfer, evaporation, and nanoscale heat transfer for the applications in space electronics, semiconductor cooling, and heat pipes.

For more on Professor Yesudasan's research, visit his research's group website: Molecular Engineering and Liquid Thermal (MELT) Laboratory.


Sumith Yesudasan, (2022), Critical Diameter for Continuous Evaporation is between 3 nm and 4 nm for Hydrophilic Nanopores, Langmuir, Vol. 38, 21, 6550–6560,

Sumith Yesudasan & Rodney D. Averett, (2021), Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Fibrin Fibers using Mesoscale and Continuum Level Methods, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Vol. 23, 100524, ISSN 2352-9148,

Edwin Babu, Sumith Yesudasan, & Sibi Chacko, (2021), Cymatics Inspired Self-Cleaning Mechanism for Solar Panels, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 27, 853–861,

Vaibhav Hotchandani, Bobby Mathew, Sumith Yesudasan & Sibi Chacko, (2021), Thermo-hydraulic Characteristics of Novel MEMS Heat Sink, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 27, 145–157,

Adil Mohammed, Sumith Yesudasan & Sibi Chacko, (2020), A Multilayered Photonic Emitter for High Performance Daytime Radiative Cooling, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 27, 2873–2887