Pauline Schwartz, Ph.D.

Chemistry and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering
Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, 1975
M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, 1971
B.S. in Chemistry, Drexel University, 1970 (Magna cum Laude)
Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1965
About Pauline
Research Interests
I am conducting research to design and explore novel computational models of chemical systems. With my primary collaborator, Dr. Carl Barratt and several bright undergraduate students, I have been devising chemical models based on mathematical paradoxes as a means of revealing novel molecular mechanisms with applications to chemistry, biology and chemical engineering. These projects have resulted in several publications and student presentations; several grant applications are being directed to support our research.
Our recent studies have addressed an unanswered question in chemistry: How did chemical systems evolve to give the necessary precursors for life on Earth and, perhaps, elsewhere? We have found simple chemical systems that generate nonlinear kinetic relationships where symmetry is broken at defined fixed temperature conditions. Other studies have highlighted the role of thermal cycling in the replication of dsRNA and have addressed the emergence of complex metabolic pathways on the early Earth. These studies are making an important impact on understanding prebiotic chemistry and are providing the basis for directing experimental approaches to better understand the chemical evolution of life.
Special Topics
- Computational Chemistry (with Dr. D. Xiao)
- Origins of the Universe and Life (Honors with Dr. M. O’Connor)
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (Honors with Dr. C. Vigue)
University Service and Awards
Recent University Committees
- Faculty Senate, Senator representing Tagliatela College of Engineering - 2012 - present
- Faculty Affairs Committee, Member, 2016 - present
- University of New Haven Honors Committee, Member, 2007 - present
- University Institutional Review Board, Member, - 2003-Current
- Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Chair – 2009-2012
- University Information Technology Advisory Committee, Member and Chair, - 2003-2010
Recent Awards and Honors
- University of New Haven Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology – May, 2014
- University Research Scholar – 2007 - 2013
- Visiting Associate Professor of Dermatology at Yale University - 2003 – present
- University of New Haven Award for Excellence in Teaching – May, 2009
- University of New Haven Center for Experiential Education 2009 LEARN Award for Excellence for
- Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research
- National Experiential Education Certification, 2008
Recent Publications
- Multiple Choice Testing Using Immediate Feedback – Assessment Technique (IF AT®) Forms: Assessing Learning From Mistakes, Merrel, J.D., Cirillo, P.F., Schwartz, P.M. and Webb, J.A, Higher Education Studies, 5(5): 50-55, 2015.
- Analysis of a Chemical Model System Leading To Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Implications
for the Evolution of Homochirality, Morneau, B.N., Kubala, J.M., Barratt, C. and Schwartz, P.M., J. Math. Chem., 52:268– 282, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10910-013-0261-5
- iPads in the Science Laboratory: Experience in Designing and Implementing a Paperless Chemistry Laboratory Course, T.L. Hesser and P. M. Schwartz, Journal of STEM Education, 14(2): 5-9, 2013
- Analysis of the Penney-Ante Game Using Difference Equations: Development of an Optimal and a Mixed-Strategies Protocol, Carl Barratt and Pauline M. Schwartz, Journal of Mathematics Research, 4(6): 1-11, 2012.
- Kinetic Models of the Prebiotic Replication of dsRNA under Thermal Cycling Conditions. Pauline M. Schwartz, Dante M. Lepore, and Carl Barratt, International Journal of Chemistry, 4(5): 9-15, 2012.
- Demonstrating Optical Activity Using an iPad. Pauline M. Schwartz, Dante M. Lepore, Brandy N. Morneau and Carl Barratt, Journal of Chemical Education, 88: 1692-1693, 2011.
- Computational Models of Chemical Systems Inspired by Braess’ Paradox, Dante M. Lepore, Carl Barratt, Pauline M. Schwartz, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 49: 356-370, 2011
- Engaging Students in High-Content Lecture Courses with PowerPoint. P.M. Schwartz, University of New Haven, AIChE issue 2 Spring 2011
- Computational Models of Thermal Cycling in Chemical Systems, C. Barratt, D. M. Lepore, M. J. Cherubini and P. M. Schwartz, International Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2): 19-27, 2010.
- Systems Chemistry and Parrondo’s Paradox: Computational Models of Thermal Cycling, Daniel C. Osipovitch, Carl Barratt, and Pauline M. Schwartz, New Journal of Chemistry, 33(10): 2022- 2027, 2009.
Faculty-Mentored Student Research Activities
- The Chemical and Biochemical Models of Parrondo’s Paradox, at the ASBMB/FASEM Meeting – New Orleans, LA (April, 2009), with D.C. Osipovitch.
- The Applications of Parrondo’s Paradox: The Development of Computational Models that Explore Novel Chemical Systems, at the CUR – Posters-on-the-Hill, Washington, D.C. (May, 2009), with D.C. Osipovitch.
- The Computational Models of Chemical Systems Inspired by Braess’ Paradox, at the American Chemical Society - Regional Meeting, Hartford, CT (Oct., 2009), with D. M. Lepore, M. J. Cherubini.
- The Models of prebiotic replication of dsRNA through mineral catalysis under thermal cycling, at the CT Space Grant Fellowship (2010-2011), with D.M. Lepore.
- The Evolution of Homochirality in Chemical Model Systems, at the CT Space Grant –
(2011-2012), with B.N. Morneau.
- The Evolution of Homochirality in a Chemical System, at the AbSciCon (Astrobiology Science Conference), Atlanta, GA ( April, 2012), with B.N. Moreau and J.M. Kubala.
- The Computational investigation of chemical evolution of metabolic systems in a prebiotic environment, at the American Chemical Society - Regional Meeting, NERM Oct., 2013, with J.Kubala, R. Doyle.
Presentations and Reading
- The Last Lecture: Chemistry’s Web, University of New Haven Faculty Awards Dinner, May 2015
- International Conf. on Chemical Education, Toronto, Canada, July, 2014 - Teaching and Learning with iPads in the Chemistry Curriculum: Designing, Implementing and Assessing a Paperless Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Course, P.M. Schwartz and T. L. Hesser
- Interview – "Cosmic Perspectives" A. Poniros (WPKN) "THE ORIGINS OF LIFE ON EARTH & ELSEWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE" – PMSchwartz and C. Barratt, May 2014
- NERM Oct., 2013 – Presentation: P. M. Schwartz, C. Barratt, J.Kubala and B. Morneau
"Chemical Evolution of Life: Investigation of a Model System that Predicts Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Emergence of Homochirality."
- NERM Oct., 2013 – Presentation: J.Kubala, R. Doyle, C. Barratt and P. M. Schwartz, Computational investigation of chemical evolution of metabolic systems in a prebiotic environment
- NERM Oct., 2013 – Presentation: T. L. Hesser, P. M. Schwartz, iPads in the chemistry curriculum: Experience in designing and implementing an interactive lecture and paperless laboratory course
- Talk at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, March, 2013: P. M. Schwartz, Chemical Evolution: Investigations of Computational Models of Prebiotic Chemical Systems
- Interview – To The Best of Our Knowledge (David Gustina, WAMC Public Radio) Oct., 2013. Astrobiology Series
Courses Taught
- CHEM2201 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM1115H-CHEM1116H Honors General Chemistry I and II
- CHEM4412 Seminar
- CHEM6650 Medicinal Chemistry (graduate)
- CHEM6655 Pharmacology (graduate)